04 Feb.. 16 4. Februar 2016 35/366 January, 28th – Day 35 of 366 Small challenge: when everybody starts at nearly the same point and time… 366
03 Feb.. 16 3. Februar 2016 34/366 January, 27th – Day 34 of 366 Preview of the new Tarantino movie in the roadshow edition – shown… 366
02 Feb.. 16 2. Februar 2016 33/366 January, 26th – Day 33 of 366 Four wheel drive? Kodak T-Max 400 at ISO1600, Mamiya 7II with 43mm lens 366
01 Feb.. 16 1. Februar 2016 32/366 January, 25th – Day 32 of 366 Shortly before closing time at the local grocery. Kodak T-Max 400 at… 366
31 Jan.. 16 31. Januar 2016 31/366 January, 24th – Day 31 of 366 Waiting for clients. One of the first pictures with my new old… 366