
January, 6th – Day 13 of 366 Hamburg, inner city traffic Kodak Tri-X 400 at ISO1600, C Sonnar T* 1.5/50…


January, 5th – Day 12 of 366 these vegan burger from vincent vegan are so tasty, you eat them…


January, 4th – Day 11 of 366 different directions Kodak Tri-X 400 at ISO1600, C Sonnar T* 1.5/50 ZM,…


January, 3rd – Day 10 of 366 Lots of fun with Christine and Sven while looking at my pictures…


January, 2nd – Day 9 of 366 – Reeperbahn – ISO1600, 50mm

5 – 8, 366

Bilder vom 29. Dezember bis 01. Januar 2016. Frohes Neues! 🙂

1 – 4, 366

Bilder vom 25. bis 28. Dezember 2015 beim Projekt 366
25. Dezember