20 Feb.. 16 51/366 February 13th – Day 51 of 366 A living legend in front of my camera. I’m honoured. She’s… 366
19 Feb.. 16 50/366 February, 12th – Day 50 of 366 Matchday Kodak Tri-X 400 at ISO1600, Mamiya 7II 366
18 Feb.. 16 49/366 February, 11th – Day 49 of 366 Wohlerspark at night Kodak Tri-X 400 at ISO1600, Mamiya 7II, 4s exposure time,… 366
17 Feb.. 16 48/366 February, 10th – Day 48 of 366 Allermöhe Kodak Tri-X 400 at ISO1600, Mamiya 7II 366
16 Feb.. 16 47/366 February, 9th – Day 47 of 366 Wonderful day with lots of nice clients and fun. Here it’s… 366
15 Feb.. 16 46/366 February, 8th – Day 46 of 366 Goldener Pudel – famous club in Hamburg Kodak Tri-X 400 at ISO1600, Mamiya… 366
15 Feb.. 16 Dosengemüse Rückrundenheimspielstart. Flutlichtfreitag. Spitzenreitergastspiel. 200 Sondertrikots mit „Kein Fussball den Faschisten“ mit Fanladenlogo in 20 Minuten ausverkauft. Gemeinsame Erklärung… FC St. Pauli
14 Feb.. 16 45/366 February, 7th – Day 45 of 366 Commemorating the dead Kodak Tri-X 400 at ISO1600, Mamiya 7II 366
13 Feb.. 16 44/366 February, 6th – Day 44 of 366 At the skatepark behind the wonderful „Roten Flora“ Kodak Tri-X 400 at… 366
12 Feb.. 16 43/366 February, 5th – Day 43 of 366 Sometimes you just have to wait and the frame fills itself… 366